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Not your typical Friday night…

In Part 2 of Opening Ceremony performer Lucy Hartley’s blogathon, we hear how it felt to be a part of the greatest show on earth.

‘So what did you get up to last night?’ asked the man in my corner shop this morning. ‘Oh you know’ I replied, ‘just performed for one billion people.’
I was there: I was a tiny part of the magical event that was the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games. Last night will be something that no one will ever take away from me. It will be a special memory that I’ll treasure for the rest of my life and I have a certificate to prove it.
I arrived at the park at around 2pm and passed through security for the final time as an Olympic performer, rather than a paying spectator. I felt emotional from the moment I gazed up at my beautiful stadium. I now call it ‘my’ stadium as I have spent so much time in there over the past couple of months, it feels like home. I won’t deny that the rehearsals were gruelling. My fellow volunteers and I endured the cold, harsh rain and through it all we became a family. A different type of games family from the one referred to in the press. A family who spent all weekend in a top secret sodden car park in Dagenham with only pieces of turf and hedges for company. The unseasonable weather and Danny Boyle’s awesome vision bound us together. I know I have made some friends for life.

Once in a lifetime experience

Putting my make-up on and getting into my costume was a nerve-wracking affair. I wanted to look my best for Queen and country, even if I was a down-trodden industrial weaver.

The atmosphere walking up to the stadium for my pre-show position was electric; I felt a spark with every passing gaze. I don’t think many people ever have such a feeling and I am privileged to have experienced it. Waiting under the stadium to go onto the field of play was truly a magical moment. My wonderful Devon performers passed plenty of good luck messages, hugs and tears. As I heard the rumble of the audience before stepping out into the bright lights I made sure I took a deep breath. At that moment it dawned on me, we were making history. I was part of the greatest show on earth.
Read Lucy’s previous blog (27 July).

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