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Safer Internet Day 2019

Safer Internet Day 2019 will be celebrated globally on the 5th February, highlighting the positive uses of technology and exploring the role we all play in helping to create a better and safer online community. It calls upon young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers, and wider society, to join together in helping to create a better internet.

Together for a safer internet

This year’s Safer Internet Day will be celebrated with the global slogan of ‘Together for a better internet’. The theme encourages young people to work together to be positive, safe and respectful online.

In the UK the campaign will particularly empower young people to take control of their digital lives and consider how consent works in an online context. It will explore how young people ask, give and receive consent online.  This could be in their friendships or relationships, how they take and share images and videos of how they manage their privacy and data.

How to get involved

There are some key things that you can do right now to get involved and help make Safer Internet Day 2019 the biggest yet:

  1. Register as a supporter. By signing up as a supporter you will appear on the UK map which demonstrates the fantastic range and scope of activities happening across the country.
  2. Download and use the resources and films. For Safer Internet Day the UK Safer Internet Centre has created free resources and films for all age groups which look at the theme of consent online. The Safer Internet Day TV 2019 films have been produced to complement the Safer Internet Day Education Packs.
  3. Spread the word using the Safer Internet Day Campaign Toolkit and social media resources. The UK Safer Internet Centre has created some resources to help you get involved in the day, and ways to help us spread the word on social media. These include a template to use offline, tweets to share now and tweets to schedule for 8am on the 5th February.

Spread the word

Here’s one draft tweet to get you started – schedule it for or send it on 5th February to show your support and help spread the word about our work and resources that are freely available to help people build a better, safer, online presence:

Today is Safer Internet Day! Join us and @UK_SIC this #SaferInternetDay2019 to create a better internet – RT to show your support

Read our Top Tips for 3-7 year olds, 7-11s, 11-18s and for parents and carers.

Stay up to date

To keep up to date with the latest Safer Internet Day news you can:

Last year we reached 45% of UK children. Together we can make #SaferInternetDay2019 the biggest campaign yet and make a real difference to the digital lives of children right across the UK.

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