DCMS blog

Check Before You Share Toolkit

Sharing false information about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine can be dangerous.

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport is leading a campaign to help tackle the spread of false information about the COVID-19 vaccine.

We have developed targeted social media posts fronted by trusted community members (faith leaders, clinicians and community leaders). These posts include simple tips on how to critically analyse sources, spot false information and help stop its spread, signposting to the NHS as the most accurate source of information.

The intention of this toolkit is to empower people with the tools and knowledge they need to help counter false information within their communities. 

The key message is to check before you share. Below are a range of different assets to use across your social media channels, including WhatsApp and Facebook groups. Hashtags for this campaign: #COVIDVaccine#Misinformation and #FalseInformation.

Access the full social media toolkit for background information and suggested social media posts.



This 15-second animation shows how easily misinformation can be spread online including through closed groups such as WhatsApp. This video highlights the importance of checking information before sharing it.


These are short 20-second videos from community leaders sharing three top tips to spot misinformation and help stop its spread. These can be used across Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and Instagram channels.

Square images (for Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp)

Square images (for Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp) — HM Government branded

Landscape images (for Twitter)

Landscape images (for Twitter) - HM Government branded

Portrait images (for Instagram / Facebook Stories and Twitter Fleets)

Portrait images (for Facebook / Instagram Stories and Twitter Fleets) - HM Government branded

About this campaign

This toolkit is based on the core principles of the government’s SHARE checklist, which encourages people to check where information has come from before they share it, to think critically about the facts and whether or not they are coming from an expert to make sure what they’re sharing is accurate. It has been created following concerns from the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) of low vaccine uptake amongst those from ethnic minority backgrounds, and a recent Ofcom study which showed that people from a minority ethnic background were twice as likely as white respondents to rely more on people they know, people in their local area or people on social media for information about coronavirus.

Get involved

We are looking to grow this toolkit and welcome more contributions and additional voices. If you are interested in lending your voice to the campaign or need further information you can contact us at disinfocomms@dcms.gov.uk