
Re-opening the Natural History Museum

Richard Orr

Richard Orr, August 21, 2020 — Enjoy Summer Safely

Head of Marketing, Natural History Museum

You’d have thought re-opening the Museum would be a simple task, switch everything back on and open the doors and they’ll come rushing back. That is where the issue lies. With the new normal comes new responsibilities. Without dwelling on the finer details of how we can keep everyone safe when they visit, I’d just…

Reopening success for independent museums 

Emma Chaplin

Emma Chaplin, August 19, 2020 — Enjoy Summer Safely

Director, Association of Independent Museums

AIM, the Association for Independent Museums, is a thriving membership network for independent museums, galleries and heritage organisations across the UK. Here, Director of AIM, Emma Chaplin, shares highlights on how members are facing the challenge of reopening and making the most of the opportunities this presents.   Covid-19 has been a challenge like no other…

Wallace Collection: Bringing life back into the galleries

Sarah Harmer

Sarah Harmer, July 14, 2020 — Culture

Director of Development, The Wallace Collection

The Wallace Collection reopens this week after almost exactly 17 weeks of closure. Except for the two World Wars, this period has been the first time the Collection has closed to the public since we opened in 1900. We are incredibly excited to be welcoming back staff and visitors to the Collection – bringing life back…