DCMS blog

Making churches more sustainable

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, December 20, 2017 — Culture

Chairman of the English Churches and Cathedrals Sustainability Review

For centuries church buildings have played a pivotal role in our communities and remain at the heart of villages, towns and cities across the country. In leading the review into church sustainability, it has been my task to consider the best way to assure the future of these historic buildings.   There are 16,000 parish…

#UKCityofCulture2021: This is Coventry!

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, December 19, 2017 — Culture

Fundraising Officer, Coventry City of Culture Trust

‘Coventry’s ready’, ‘we are ready’, ‘the time is right’ … everyone we spoke to expressed the same positive sentiments.  A two and a half year journey working with the community, arts organisations, individuals and businesses across the city and region, which all hung in the balance as we stood poised for the final announcement. As…

Reflecting on Coventry’s crown as the UK #CityofCulture2021

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, — Culture

Chair of the City of Culture Independent Advisory Panel

There have already been a lot of words spoken, written and recorded about why Coventry and not Swansea or Stoke or Paisley or Sunderland, and on the night of the announcement there was neither the time, nor probably the expectation to give a line by line report against the criteria in the Government’s guidance notes.…

#LocalCharitiesDay: Art from the hArt

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, December 15, 2017 — Civil Society

Art therapy forms the backdrop of this inspirational charity based in Hampshire.  Established in 2014 by Sculptor Annie Jeffery, hArt was born from a passion to nurture and encourage creativity within children and adults to help prevent and alleviate physical, mental and social problems. Art as therapy It is well known that many famous artists have used…

#LocalCharitiesDay: Something for everyone at New Forest Mencap

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, — Civil Society

Chair, New Forest Mencap

As the voice of learning disabilities in the New Forest, we are delighted to be taking part in our first #LocalCharitiesDay. The Gateway Club New Forest Mencap provides leisure activities through our social club known as The Gateway Club, we host four sessions per week in two locations across the forest, New Milton and Brockenhurst. The…

#LocalCharitiesDay: Inspire Suffolk supporting young people onto a positive future

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, — Civil Society

Marketing and Communications Manager, Inspire Suffolk

Inspire Suffolk is a charity dedicated to supporting young people in Suffolk and North Essex onto a positive future. Each day, we work at the forefront of helping young people (16-25 years) to overcome multiple challenges and work to break down the barriers which they face into next steps in employment, education or further training.…

Making every day better through charity partnerships

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, — Civil Society

CEO, Telefonica O2 UK

I’m immensely proud to lead a company that defines its purpose as making every day better through personal experiences that count. Nowhere is this more true than in the diverse ways that our brand collaborates with partners and supports UK charities. For O2 charity begins at home, as it does for many people. We are…